In 2025 I will take and print more photos.

A resolution I’m making for the new year: take more photos and print at least one good picture per week.
It’s first day of the new year and I’ve reset my camera’s file numbering (e.g., img_0001.jpg) and I got my photo printer's nozzles checked out and printering again.

Getting the camera and printer ready for the new year.
I’m starting with family portraits taken by Jayana Espinoza at the Sanctuary For Independent Media’s Interfaith Holiday Justice and Peace Celebration. I like how they turned out! It was convenient to have some photos ready to print before this resolution has had time to get going.

And I’m making a renewed effort to bring my camera along with me when I leave home. I feel like when I have a camera with me and I’m out in the world I see things differently and I pay closer attention to my surroundings. Plus you often end up with photos at the end.
In that spirit, I put iNaturalist on my phone’s home screen—I’m also hoping for more nature observations in the coming year!