Displaced Sounds

Excited to see this blog from STUK (where we presented ShiftSpace last year) on sound art:

It’s clear that we live in a world inhabited and surrounded, some say polluted, by sound. We are losing and neglecting our ability to hear and listen because we’re so busy with tuning things out instead of tuning in.

I love the quote by Toshiya Tsunoda they’ve placed prominently at the top of the page:

We can say that field recording is considered to be a work which crops a part from a whole complete picture. What does that mean? An incident is continuously followed by the next incident like a domino. What is a criterion to cut a moment and distinguish it from other moments?


Ricardo at 6th Ave

I made a field recording of one of my favorite buskers in New York. This guy plays regularly at the spot where I make my subway transfer at the 14th St / 6th Ave station.
